Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Everyone in New York has a hustle, but let's take a moment to observe the guys that push self-published CDs. If you've shopped in one of the many major music chains lately, then you've probably encountered them.

They are not to be confused with the bootleggers that hawk illegally burned copies of the latest pop and hip-hop releases. These guys come well equipped with the strong-armed sales pitch, the delivery peppered with street slang, the negotiable CD price.

The answer to the first question people usually ask is: Yes there is music on the discs. But what is it that motivates these guys? We took to the streets to find out what the deal was documentary style.

Armed with an ancient Sony Cyber-shot digital camera we went out to Virgin Megastore at ten at night, shot ten minutes of footage, spent ten bucks, and *edited the results in one night.

Sorry for the dark image, but the Cybershot obviously does not have an external light.

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